Sunday, May 22, 2016


I used to wish to graduate and get out of high school as soon as possible. Now I look back and I realize that I have left high school for 5 months. Being in the class of 15’ is stressed yet fun. I would conclude that high school is one the important stage in your life. You like it or not, you should to make it a memorable one.

Besides solving the endless mathematics questions and memorizing plenty of scientific terms, there are plenty of fresh experiences you will definitely gain. As for me, these are what I gained throughout the two years.

If you obey all the rules, you’re going to miss all the fun.

I am not encouraging people to break the rules (although rules are meant to be broken) but it is a necessary to challenge certain rules to make life a fun one. It is okay to eat in class, challenge the dress code or maybe skip some lessons but it is not okay to get involved with bullying or be rude to the teacher. Know the limits and do not go too much beyond the boundaries so you won’t end up in the discipline room most of the days. 

Love Yourself.

Love yourself because if you do not love yourself to the fullest who is going to do so? I do not really care about myself and neglect about my health which make me a ‘huge fan’ of the hospital. I ended up being hospitalized in my senior year. I was referred to a few doctors as I was having a chronic gastric ulcer which is consider quite serious for my age. I was warned that if I continue all my bad habits sooner or later I will be one of the stomach cancer patients. So love and care about yourself and treasured your health.

Do not wait.

Always keep in mind that you have only one life.  Take the risk and do things you like to do. It is good to think twice before doing something but do not hesitate too long. Grab the guts and daringly make your life an adventurous one. Do not always think that there are still senior year, sometimes it is now or never. Make yourself proud for once. Make changes and not wait for opportunities to arrive.

Talk to people from all walks of life.

After senior year, you need to decide on many things so it is really important for you to spend some time to interact with people. Do not be shy and stop being an introvert. Seek for advice from the teachers especially the school counselors as well as your seniors who have went through the path. I love to talk and listen to different people as I really like to know wide range of people and also get expose to different world. This will help you a lot in making the best decision and can prevent you from being loss.

Friends are vital.

I am so lucky to know this group of friends which we actually stick together since middle school. I wonder will I still survived high school so smoothly without them and I am sure the answer is NO. They are the ones who gave endless supports to me in various aspects and tolerated me throughout the years. Without them being so understanding and helpful, I won’t be able to sail through the years so easily. I am beyond grateful to know them as they are the one who guide me to a brighter path and let me stay away from the darkness. You do need to have a big bunch of friends; just a few trustworthy ones will make your life full of stars.

Keep a journal.

I find that it is really important to keep a journal and record those memorable moments in your life. I used to have this habit but stopped for some time. When I actually flipped back those journals, I realize how much I have changed and grown up throughout the years. You can look back and know that you are currently progressing with your life really well. You have done a good job surviving those bad days which indirectly become a really useful motivator to me.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

It’s true that school is a place to learn but not only on how to ace the examinations. Focusing too much on the books and the only place you visit in school is only the library is going to make you regret years later. Get out of the classroom and take part in outdoor activities which suits your interest. This is the time for you to identify your strength and who you really are. Have plenty of fun when you are still young.

Overcoming heartbreaks is easy said that done.

If your first heartbreak happened to be during your high school years you will understand. Before that I do not really understand the song lyrics but later I feel that every heartbreak quotes just hit me hard. People keep saying that let time does its job but days before things faded away seem like forever. All those night you are down on your knees: kept replaying those best memories which now brings more sorrow than ever is hurtful. Moving on is something so difficult for me at that moment when I kept holding on hoping for a miracle.

Academic results are somehow important.

You need to have a work-life balance and do not think that academic results are not important. At the end of the day when you need to apply for Ivy League or scholarships then you will start to regret for not doing well in the examinations. Yes, exams are not everything but still you need to put in sufficient effort and give your best. Even the results turned out to be disappointing, it is okay because you tried. Students with better scores usually will get more benefit to pursue their tertiary education. No matter how much you hate studying, just bear with it for a better future.

No one can help you except yourself.

You said you are hungry and I gave you a bowl of rice but you refused to open your mouth to eat. In the end I am sure that you will starve to death. It’s the same concept. If you skip classes or sleep in class even if you got the best teacher you will never get any better. Study yourself if the teachers are not doing their job as this is not a reason for you to give up. People by your side can only guide you but you are the one who can turn dreams into realities.

I am done with high school and somehow I wish to turn back times. I miss high school and I miss those dasys. Get out of the box and shine throughout the high school years and you will be amaze of how much you can do.

 Happy schooling people!!

If your uniform isn't dirty, you haven't been in the game.Ben Bernanke

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