Thursday, November 28, 2019

Losing Dayre | Thanksgiving Night

This is my second month surviving without Dayre and omggg I miss it so muchhh!! It's like a safe space for me but I can no longer afford that space anymore 😭 

I stopped blogging ages ago after I found Dayre but I am back. It's kind of like a circle and in the end you still return to where you begin. 

I feel that I am losing track of my life for these two months. Many things happened but without Dayre I have no where to pen down and so here I am back in Blogger.


I never celebrated Thanksgiving but this year I am going to celebrate with Enactus peeps!! 

Supposed to crop it to make it nicer but it's fine 😂😂😂 


Sunday, May 19, 2019


I have not been in this space for more than a year. Thanks to Dayre for providing a super 'instant' platform for me to record everything there.

I still could not believe I am technically done with my first year of degree (not officially done yet because results are still pending).  Time flies after you stepped into college. That's what mum said, and it's so true. I honestly feel like it was yesterday when I move into my hostel, but I vacant my room two days ago.

A summary about what my first year is all about:

1. Friends

They are my partners in crime throughout the year. Thank you so much for walking into my life.  I am still grateful for them even when there are occasions which we could not see eye to eye. 

Semester 1 (I am too lazy to edit the tilted pic)
Min Lin, Nicole, Shernie, Suzanne,Me,Jia Jing, Mindy

Semester 2

2. NDC

I will never be in a dance club if it is not because of Hew Cheng. Yes, I joined it because of her (the major reason). It turned out to be really worth it because I learnt a lot, in fact, I learnt the most in the dance club. From the bonding event to SAWG7, the journey was never easy. Nonetheless, I am pleased to meet a bunch of really great people.


Bonding Event 2018

With Covenant Dance Crew

3. Enactus

I spent a lot of my time in Enactus as well. Working with a good leader makes everything so much easier. I never thought I can work with plants but surprisingly I did it.  Most of the time it is about who you work with rather than what your work is. 

AGM 2019

With my team

It was indeed a tiring but fun year. There are people leaving temporary but at the same time, there are people walking in. I learnt a lot but at the same time lose something. I am trying my best to make my first-year count.