Friday, February 28, 2020

2020. 22.

2020. And I am turning 22 this year.
22 means a lot to me. It’s my lucky number.
It’s my birth date. When I got the number 22, I usually win the competition.
Hence, I really want to make this year meaningful. My 22 meaningful.
Moreover, it only happens once a lifetime.

 It’s already Febuary. And I still have not achieved much.
I just finished reading Daphne blog. Her blog is legit.
One sentence that she said relates so much to me.
I lost my drive and only do things that I needed to do.
Only get the my responsibilities done.
And that’s it. Nothing more than that.
I am basically working on autopilot.
I want to achieve more. I really want to.
But then there are too much going on and I need to really prioritize my well-being,
Regardless of mental or physical.

 I stop using Dayre after it turned into a subscription app.
I miss those days that I will do some self-reflection on Dayre.
I feel that I am slowly losing track of my life.
I do not remember what I have tried, done and accomplished.
 Then suddenly I remember I still have this blog.
And I found out I actually have a lot of drafts not published.
And I deleted some of them.
Keep only things that I feel that it is worth hogging my limited brain space.

  I have live two decades of my life.
How should I live a life and not surviving a life..?
 Wishing for the best 2020.